Transportation Master Plan Update
The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long-term plan for the city’s transportation network. The TMP is a critical plan in making wise investment choices in our transportation infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks, trails, transit and goods movement, as these decisions will shape the future mobility of our city. The TMP is scheduled to be updated every seven years with the next update occurring in 2023 and anticipated to be completed in 2025.
What is the project?
The proposed Transportation Master Plan will support City of Leduc’s transportation needs today, tomorrow and into the future. This project is about more than just roads, it’s about guiding transportation investments to provide safe, attractive and efficient options for moving people and providing a strong distribution network for goods. These modes of transportation can include walking, cycling, transit, vehicular, and plane.
The Transportation Master Plan will deliver:
- Transportation integration with land use, regional connections and communities;
- Active modes integration with the road network and throughout the community;
- Network definition, including road classifications and goods movement;
- Opportunities for network improvement;
- A Plan that incorporates approved plans, including MDP, growth studies, and other initiatives;
- A Plan that supports economic development and community building;
- Advance an implementation plan with recommendations for projects, initiatives, and strategic investments to guide the transportation network management and growth.
Why is this project important?
The Transportation Master Plan will guide and inform future transportation infrastructure management and growth. The plan supports how the City does business by clarifying transportation links for future neighbourhoods. It also feeds into the policies and bylaws that guide how the transportation network is managed. Other recommendations will impact how transportation projects are prioritized for funding, including corridor improvements, pathway construction and transit facility investments.
There are many competing needs for how people and goods move around the City, whether it is walking, rolling, busing, driving or trucking. The TMP will recommend a prioritized implementation plan that balances how the community invests in mobility as it grows.

Give your feedback
Engagement was completed on June 30, 2023.