Public Engagement
Public engagement is about when and how members of the public contribute to decisions made by the municipality.
It plays a critical role in good governance and involves inviting public input on issues/decisions and considering that input when making decisions. Public engagement gives people the opportunity to contribute to decisions that impact them, know their input is valued, and feel welcome/safe to share their ideas and perspectives.
Conducting meaningful public engagement is one way that the City helps ensure Leduc is a place where people want to live. It plays a role in enhancing citizen engagement, which is included as a key strategy in the 2023–2026 Strategic Plan and will be incorporated into various City projects over the next four years.
Current public engagement opportunities
2026 Budget Planning Survey – March 3 to 31, 2025
Leduc City Council and administration value the input we receive from residents, and we need your perspectives to help shape our future. The 2026 Budget Planning Survey is a key opportunity to share your thoughts
The City has consolidated the annual budget planning survey and the biannual Citizen Satisfaction survey into a single survey that will be conducted annually. This is a more cost-effective approach to gathering timely resident feedback.
Learn how to participate. All survey participants will be entered into a random prize draw for a $150 gift card to the local business of their choice.
Long-term engagement projects
Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan
The Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan (UCRP) is a two-year project with the goal of providing a land use guide for the revitalization and redevelopment of Leduc’s central neighbourhoods. This area is referred to as the Urban Centre and is made up of Alexandra Park Neighbourbood, the Central Business District and Telford House. The City of Leduc is currently in the confirming phase of the project with the final plan anticipated to be shared in early 2025.
Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update
The TMP is a long-term plan for the city’s transportation network. The TMP update will ensure we have a relevant and critical plan in making wise investment choices in our transportation infrastructure. This includes roads, sidewalks, trails, transit and goods movement, as these decisions will shape the future mobility of our city. A draft plan will be shared in early 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is public engagement?
Public engagement refers to when and how members of the public interact with the City to contribute to decisions made by the municipality.
Why should I engage?
Engagement is extremely important as it allows members of the public to contribute to the decision-making processes that have an impact on their day-to-day lives. It provides the City with valuable feedback (and direction in some cases), that creates a deeper connection between the municipality and community members.
Does the City have an engagement policy?
Yes, the City has a Public Engagement Policy that is available to the public for review. The policy provides direction to Administration to ensure the City establishes and employs a consistent, coordinated and outcome driven approach to public engagement.