Public Notices

Public notices are used to inform the public of opportunities to have their say in local government business. Notices are published 14 days in advance, as required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Advertising Bylaw, with information on how, when and where the public can request further information or provide comments to Council or City Staff.  

The City gives notice to the public on a variety of different matters, such as: 

The City may also give notice through the newspaper, mail, or personal service, depending on the legislation.  

All comments must be received by the deadlines noted. See how you can provide your input through public commentary, public hearing or by presentation 

Stay informed on City decisions to have your say – Sign up for City News to be delivered directly to your inbox. 

Current Notices

Notices are listed below 14 days in advance of the applicable date.  

Public Hearings

Notice of completion of municipal public works

  • Notice of completion of municipal public works that have been completed as of December 31, 2024. An owner of land that abuts land on which the City has constructed a public work may make a claim for compensation if the appraised value of the owner’s land is permanently reduced as a result of the existence of the public work.
  • Claims for compensation under Section 534 of the Municipal Government Act must be received by the city within 60 days of this publication (Feb. 14, 2025) and must state the amount claimed and the particulars of the claim.
  • Claims and all required details should be sent in writing to: City Solicitor, City of Leduc, #1 Alexandra Park, Leduc AB, T9E 4C4.

Bylaw 1212 -2025 – Proposed amendment to the Land Use Bylaw

  • Public notice for Bylaw 1212-2025 proposes redistricting for an area in Robinson to allow for continued residential development.
  • Second and third readings are scheduled for the regularly scheduled meeting of Leduc City Council on Apr. 14, 2025.
  • First reading on Mar. 24, 2025.

Presentations/submissions: Anyone who wishes to speak to Council at the time of the public hearing or provide a written submission is asked to contact the City Clerk’s Office (780-980-7156 or to pre-register, or can register on the sign-in sheet in Council Chambers before the start of the meeting.