Cross Connection Control
A cross connection is a piping arrangement that connects the water system to a source of potential contamination. Cross connections are at risk of backflow: a reverse flow of water that can introduce pollutants into the potable water supply.
The City of Leduc has implemented a cross connection control program to protect our water supply and minimize the potential health risks that backflow poses.
Common cross connections include:
Preventing backflow
To comply with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA B64.10), the National Plumbing Code of Canada and the City of Leduc’s Water Bylaw property owners must:
- Isolate the property water system from the public water system through elimination of unnecessary cross connections
- Protect cross connections that can’t be eliminated with an approved backflow prevention device
- Conduct annual testing to ensure devices are operating properly
If an unprotected or untested plumbing connection causes a public health hazard, the property owner or tenant could be held liable for damages.
About the program
Business and multi-residential property owners are required to install and regularly test backflow prevention devices. The city administers the program through BSI Online, who, on behalf of the city:
- Maintains a database of facilities, business owners and devices installed
- Maintains a database of certified testers and installers
- Notifies customers of annual testing requirements