
2025 Budget Planning Survey 

The 2025 Budget Planning Survey closed on May 31, 2024. We thank all residents for their feedback as it will help to inform priorities in the City of Leduc’s 2025 municipal budget. 

Here are some of the highlights you shared with us in the 2025 Budget Planning Survey compared to previous years: 

Survey results for Budget 2025

  • 657 respondents
  • 59% indicated good, very good or excellent value for tax dollars
  • Support for a decrease in service levels to minimize tax increases was split, with 39% of respondents in support of a service level decrease to maintain taxes and 38% opposed
  • Most important priority: to lower or maintain property taxes in the future (33%)
  • Top three areas to increase variable spending:
    • Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)
    • Fire and Ambulance Services
    • Enforcement Services
  • Top three areas to decrease variable spending:
    • Cultural and Community Development
    • Transportation
    • Leduc Public Library

Survey results for Budget 2024 

  • 503 respondents 
  • 69% indicated good, very good or excellent value for tax dollars 
  • 42% were opposed to decreasing service levels to minimize tax increase 
  • 44% supported cutting services to maintain or reduce taxes 
  • Most important priority: to lower or maintain property taxes in the future (32%) 
  • Top three areas to increase variable spending: 
    • Fire and Ambulance  
    • Family and Community Support
    • Police
  • Top three areas to decrease variable spending:  
    • Public Transit  
    • Community Development  
    • Library  

Survey results for Budget 2023 

  • 475 respondents 
  • 70% indicated good, very good or excellent value for tax dollars 
  • 45% were opposed to decreasing service levels to minimize tax increase 
  • 45% supported increasing taxes to maintain or increase services 
  • Most important priorities: long-term fiscal sustainability; to lower or maintain property taxes in the future (both 26%) 
  • Top three areas to increase variable spending: 
    • Family and Community Support  
    • Fire and Ambulance  
    • Snow Removal
  • Top three areas to decrease variable spending: 
    • Public Transit 
    • Library and Community Development  
    • Police 

Leduc Budget 2024 – Responsible. Accountable. Sustainable. 

2024 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Our 2024 Budget received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). This fiscal year marks the eighth consecutive year that the City’s budget document has achieved this honour. This year’s budget also received special recognition for its Strategic Goals and Strategies section; a first-time achievement for the City. 

From the GFOA’s news release: 

The (Distinguished Budget Presentation Award) represents a significant achievement by the (City of Leduc). It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. To receive the budget award, the (City of Leduc) had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity’s budget serves as: 

  • A policy document
  • A financial plan
  • An operations guide
  • A communications device"
2024 Budget Summary

The City's municipal budget is approved by City Council and outlines how the city will raise and spend funds over the next three years to: 

  • Deliver programs and services in the community 
  • Build and maintain facilities and infrastructure to meet our current needs and future growth

For a quick recap of the proposed 2024 municipal budget, please view the City of Leduc 2024 Proposed Budget Highlights Summary.

Budget Awards and Recognition 

The City of Leduc has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award every year since 2016. 

Budget Documents

>> 2025 Budget General Population Survey  
>> 2024 Approved Budget >> 2024 Budget General Population Survey
>> 2023 Approved Budget  
>> 2023 Budget General Population Survey  
>> 2022 Approved Budget  
>> 2022 Budget Stakeholders Survey >> 2022 Budget General Population Survey
>> 2021 Approved Budget >> 2021 Budget Supporting Documents
>> 2020 Approved Budget  
>> 2020 Budget Stakeholders Survey >> 2020 Budget General Population Survey
>> 2019 Approved Budget  
>> 2019 Budget Stakeholders Survey >> 2019 Budget General Population Survey

Financial documents pre-2019 can be found in the Document Directory