Presentations to Council

Leduc City Council meetings can be viewed online with our live stream

Individuals can make a presentation through Zoom (virtual) or in person. If you wish to participate, please complete the Presentation Request Form via the link below.  If you have questions regarding presentations, please contact the City Clerk's Office by emailing or call 780-980-7177 to speak to someone in that office.

Presentations options:

  1. Public Commentary: Residents are invited to participate in a public commentary. The purpose of public commentary is to allow people an opportunity to come before Council during a council meeting to address Council on a matter pertaining to city business, in an abbreviated and less formal manner than would otherwise be more appropriate for a public presentation. Rules for how public commentary works are outlined in Section 8 of the Council Procedures Bylaw.
  2. Formal Presentations: Individuals and groups who wish to make a formal presentation at a council meeting are asked to apply by completing the Presentation Request Form. The City Clerk's Office will contact the individual/group to set the date and time of their presentation. All presentations, which include a question period, should not exceed 15 minutes. Rules for how formal presentations work are outlined in Section 7 of the Council Procedures Bylaw.

Presentations to Leduc City Council can be made by individuals and groups at council meetings. Presentation requests must be submitted by completing the Presentation Request Form.


Phone: 780-980-7177