Mock Council - Student Program

The City of Leduc Mock Council program is a wonderful way to introduce students to the role and function of Municipal Government. The program provides students with an opportunity to role play Mayor, Council and city’s administrative staff for a couple of hours, providing them with basic knowledge of how city government works.

Approximately 500+ students participate yearly in Mock Council.

Please take a moment to review the following information:

In addition to the above documents, you may wish to see real Council Agendas and Minutes, along with information about our current Mayor and Council Members.

School Request for Mock Council


  • Morning sessions start at 9:30 a.m., and afternoon sessions at 12:45 p.m., but we are flexible and will try to accommodate your school schedule.
  • To ensure the best possible experience for your students, please check the Prepare for Your Visit page.
Booking Details
(please provide a couple of dates that would work):

Your privacy is important to us.  Please note, the City may wish to take a group photo for the purposes of promoting its mock council program and showing attendance at this event. This photo may appear on the City’s social media sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook) and on the City’s website ( The students’ names will not be used, but the school may be identified. Participation is voluntary. The City will consult with the teacher on site prior to the photograph being taken.

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