Downtown Revitalization
Downtown Master Plan
The City of Leduc 2012 Downtown Master Plan (DMP) is a comprehensive long-range plan for revitalizing Downtown Leduc. It addresses key economic, environmental, and social issues for a comprehensive approach for revitalizing our City’s Downtown over time. The DMP contains an in depth urban design plan, design guidelines, as well as policies and implementation projects to support a vibrant and sustainable downtown area.
Leduc’s DMP is all about making small changes that will collectively create major improvements over the short, medium, and long term. Since approval of the plan, the city has been leading and collaborating on a number of DMP implementation projects.
Main Street Streetscape Improvement Project
The Main Street Streetscape Improvement Project is based on extensive engagement with downtown stakeholders that included public open houses and workshops during the development of the Downtown Master Plan, as well as detailed input at several Downtown Business Association meetings.
The design includes a series of strategic sidewalk improvements called bulb-outs or“ bump-outs” that increase the functionality and safety of downtown Leduc. These new and expanded special areas are critical to the project and set the stage for key improvements:
- Safer and enhanced pedestrian experience
- More resting areas and space for downtown visitors
- Safer and better crosswalks, with traffic calming
- New bicycle racks, bollards and waste receptacles
- More landscaping, flowers and trees
- New street lights with ornamental lighting
- Improved signage for parking and pedestrians
- Improved drainage and rectified grade issues
Map of Downtown Parking
Leduc Main Street Enhancements Information Package
Downtown Heritage Inventory
The community identified the documentation of historically significant buildings in the city’s downtown area as one of twelve priority tasks within the Downtown Master Plan. The Downtown Heritage Inventory is the fulfillment of this goal.
This document will help guide future development in the downtown core and augment other objectives and undertakings identified in the Plan. The records within the inventory have been created for select buildings in the downtown core that have an evident historical character or presence still apparent today.
Main Street Outdoor Patio Incentive Program
This program provides opportunities for Main Street businesses to construct seasonal patios on the public sidewalk or within the roadway parking area in front of their businesses. Subject to an application approval, Main Street area businesses can set up an outdoor patio between May 1 - September 30 each year.
To be approved for the on-street parking patio option, concrete planters are required around the outer perimeter of the patio area. As part of its limited-time incentive plan, the city will loan planters to businesses at no cost. The planters are made of heavy-duty concrete and act both as a safety barrier and as a downtown beautification element.
For more information on any of the projects listed above, call 780-980-7177 or email
Downtown Parking Study
In 2019, the University of Alberta’s School of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate students completed a parking study for downtown Leduc, which is one of the twelve identified priority action items within Leduc’s Downtown Master Plan. The intention of this study is to provide an understanding of the role that parking supply and management practices in downtown Leduc have in fostering the advancement of the vision for downtown Leduc.
Final report (PDF)