Neighbourhood Gardens

Unlike the garden plot program, which is managed by the City, a neighbourhood garden is managed by residents in a local neighbourhood. Residents desiring a garden in their neighbourhood must contribute time and resources to the project and take responsibility for its success.

Resources are available for effectively establishing and managing a neighbourhood garden:

Establishing a Local Garden in your Neighbourhood

If a group emerges that is committed to organizing, creating and managing a neighbourhood garden, they must submit a proposal for review by the City of Leduc’s Community Development, Public Services and Planning and Development departments. The proposal should address:


  1. The list of volunteers and an organizational plan for administration of the group (e.g. signing new members up, determining responsibilities, whether a fee will be charged). It is recommended that a Society be formed to minimize liability to individuals. More information is available from Service Alberta.  Society status can also be beneficial when applying for grants.
  2. A plan to obtain liability Insurance, either as a Society or with the assistance of the City of Leduc.
  3. The annual budget, sponsors and funding sources, for the first year and future years. City of Leduc grants may be available .


  1. Suggested site location(s) and land ownership, and corresponding approvals if required.
  2. If appropriate, a public consultation plan and how feedback will be considered.
  3. High level design of the garden site, indicating the source of topsoil and source of water – whether trucking, a tank, or water infrastructure.
  4. A maintenance plan (e.g. frequency of watering, weeding, who is responsible), and a plan for fall clean up.
  5. A plan for addressing safety, security, theft and vandalism.
  6. Potential for green gardening practices such as use of compost, including a pollinator garden, weed control and how to avoid the use of chemicals and pesticides

Evaluation & Decommissioning

  1. The annual evaluation process at the end of each gardening season, and the decicion-making process for determining whether to continue (in consultation with Community Development and Public Services departments).
  2. A plan to decommission the site when the gardening project is complete, and whether funds will be required to bring the site back to the desired state.

Need more information?

Assistance in preparing a neighbourhood garden proposal is available from the Community Development department at 780-980-7177.