Environmental Plan

Environmental Plan

In 2012, the City of Leduc adopted its first Environmental Plan, with the purpose of guiding 10 years of environmental stewardship by outlining key visions, principles, and actions. The City had great success in meeting the action items outlined in the original Environmental Plan – 80% of action items have been accomplished. To continue to protect our natural environment and build a resilient, sustainable future for all citizens of Leduc, the City updated the Environmental Plan to reflect the next decade of environmental priorities, to maintain and build upon the momentum achieved in environmental leadership and sustainability. 

The updated Environmental Plan (2024-2034) was approved on March 11, 2024 and will guide the City’s environmental actions for the next 10 years. The environmental plan addresses key focus areas: waste, water, land, ambient impacts, and climate and energy . 

The plan aims to be reasonable, measurable, and meaningful, and builds on key elements of the City’s previous environmental plan. It reflects the values outlined in the City’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and incorporates best practices and community feedback. 

The plan has 40 action items to support the city in being a leader in environmental sustainability and stewardship for the decade.  

To update the plan, an environmental baseline report (summer 2023) was developed to understand the current conditions, current governmental standards, and evaluate most up-to-date environmental practices. Community feedback was collected (fall 2023) during the development of the plan and indicated residents want the City to preserve and enhance environmentally significant areas, focus on waste diversion, water conversation and renewable energy. The environmental baseline data and community feedback was used to direct the updated priorities outlined in the updated Environmental Plan. 

Environmental Progress Reports

The progress report captures the work done each year to meet the action items set in the Environmental Plan. 

Environmental Progress Report 2023 Environmental Progress Report 2022
Environmental Progress Report 2021 Environmental Progress Report 2020
Environmental Progress Report 2019 Environmental Progress Report 2018
Environmental Progress Report 2017 Environmental Progress Report 2016
Environmental Progress Report 2015 Environmental Progress Report 2014
Environmental Progress Report 2012-13