Wetland Restoration
Together with Associated Environmental Consultants Inc., the City is working to restore:
- 0.4 hectares of wetland just north of Telford Lake
- 0.37 hectares of wetland just south of Telford Lake in Lede Park
Due to their proximity to the multiway trail and visibility from Telford Lake, the wetlands will provide a unique opportunity to engage, inspire, and educate visitors on the ecological benefits of wetlands. Wetlands are expected to improve water quality, provide increased aquatic and terrestrial habitat, enhance biodiversity, reduce the presence of noxious weeds, and reduce impacts related to extreme weather events (flooding and drought).
Funding support: Alberta Environment and Parks Wetland Replacement Program
Timeline: 2021-2022
Questions about this project: Jenna Chernuka, Project Manager | engineering@leduc.ca | 780-980-7107
Telford Lake
- The restored wetland will sit nestled between the lakeshore and agricultural lands to the north, bordered by the multiway trail system surrounding the lake.
- The site is located in an area historically drained for agricultural use.
- Project planning, design, and construction were completed in 2020 and vegetation planting was completed in 2021.
- The wetland will be monitored and maintained for approximately four years, per the agreement with Alberta Environment, after which time a formal declaration of a fully established wetland may be provided.
William F. Lede Park
- The site is bordered by the K9 Off-Leash Dog Park to the south and multiway trail system to the north and east.
- The three wetland basins constructed will provide marsh, swamp, and shallow open water habitat for pollinators, amphibians, and small birds.
- Project planning, design, and construction were completed in 2021, and vegetation planting is scheduled for the spring/summer of 2022.