City of Leduc Announces Plans to Expand Municipal Boundary

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

On Feb. 3, 2025, Leduc City Council approved submission of a Notice of Intent to Annex lands to the south and southeast of the city’s existing municipal boundary.

This written notice has been sent to Leduc County, Municipal Affairs, the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) and all local authorities allowed to operate or provide services in the City of Leduc.

“Leduc is at a pivotal moment,” says Bob Young, Mayor of the City of Leduc. “We have a responsibility to plan to accommodate growth pressures. By making intentional plans based on anticipated growth we can avoid real-world negative impacts on residents – like higher housing prices or more costly infrastructure and service delivery.”

Leduc is one of the fastest growing communities in Alberta. Based on an evaluation of land supply, completed in 2023, the City of Leduc may require at least 38 quarter-sections of developable lands currently within the municipal boundary of Leduc County to accommodate Leduc’s projected growth through 2076.

This is the start of a lengthy legislated process, which the City expects to stretch into 2027:

  • In-depth technical studies must be completed
  • The City will work collaboratively with the County to develop the annexation application
  • Public engagement will be conducted with County landowners and City residents
  • An application will be submitted to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal
  • A LPRT public hearing may be held if needed
  • The provincial government will make the final decision

“Working with Leduc County through this process is a priority for the City,” Young says. “And we look forward to connecting with County residents, City residents, and other stakeholders to share information and hear their feedback and ideas.”

For more information about the proposed boundary expansion, visit

Media Availability

Mayor Young will be available, by appointment, on Feb. 5 from 9–10 a.m. and 2:30–3:30 p.m. Please email to arrange an interview time.

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