Exploring the future of heritage management in Leduc
As part of ongoing heritage preservation efforts, the City of Leduc is exploring how to approach the future management and operations of the Dr. Woods House Museum and other community heritage assets in a responsible, sustainable and collaborative way.
Future operational approach under consideration
An in-depth review of the museum and other community heritage assets was conducted in 2024, including community engagement and industry best practice trends and benchmarking. The outcomes of this review were presented in a report to Leduc City Council on March 3.
Themes heard through community engagement included a desire to see consolidated heritage management, diversified programming, enhanced heritage promotion, expanded funding sources, and development of a strategic direction for heritage in Leduc.
Five potential operating models are under evaluation. They include a range of approaches, from full municipal oversight and management to full management by a third party.
The topic will return to Council later this year for selection of an operating model and direction on next steps.
Continued collection stewardship
The City remains committed to the responsible stewardship of the heritage collection that resides in the Dr. Woods House.
Since receiving ownership of the museum collection in 2024, the City has been meticulously inventorying, digitizing, and preserving items according to best practices set out by the Alberta Museums Association, the Canadian Museums Association and the International Council of Museums.
To date, nearly 5,000 items have been inventoried. The work continues and is estimated to be complete by late 2027. The museum remains closed to public access to allow staff to focus on the collection.
Learn more:
- Get to know the collection
- Artifact spotlight: 20th century entertainment
- Artifact spotlight: Honouring a veteran’s legacy through artifacts
- Conservation work underway at the museum