Park and Pond Maintenance
Skating & Hockey Ice Surfaces
Skating Ice Surfaces | Hockey Ice Surfaces |
>> Bridgeport at the Harry Bienert Playground >> Willow Park at the school near the playground >> Corinitha east side of the school parking lot >> Leduc Civic Centre south pond (depends on ice thickness) >> Doris Smith Park north of the playground |
>> Kinsmen Rink >> Southfork west of 801 Southfork Green >> Bridgeport north of Harry Bienert Playground >> Caledonia south of the school parking lot >> Leduc Civic Centre north pond (depends on ice thickness) >> Leduc Estates School |
>> Leduc Ice Skating Surfaces Map
>> Outdoor Ice Surfaces
Storm Water Ponds
The City of Leduc is following the lead of other municipalities, like Edmonton and Spruce Grove, to help ensure resident safety.
Skating IS NOT permitted on storm water ponds because ponds have fluctuating water levels with potential depths that will not freeze solid. There have been incidences of children falling through the ice, even when ice measurements at the facility are at acceptable thicknesses. If Enforcement Services witnesses people on the storm water ponds, they will require people to leave or enforce fines.
Storm Water Ponds and Major Rain Events
While pond levels normally are quite low, in major rain events the water levels are designed to rise all the way up to the fence lines of adjoining properties. There are safety measures in place, like overflows, to pick up the water if they get higher than this. During a storm, this allows water to be slowly released from the pond so that the downstream environment doesn't erode and cause issue for the little critters we share our beautiful environment with.
For more information, contact Parks, Recreation & Community Development at 780-980-7133.