Plans & Studies

Municipal Development Plan

Leduc’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Leduc’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a high-level planning document that captures our vision for the city’s growth. It defines policies and directs decision-making related to land use planning, community service priorities, and infrastructure investment. As one of the fastest growing cities in Canada over the past decade, the MDP is an important part of planning for Leduc’s future. It influences how we interact with built and natural environments on a daily basis, including the roads we drive on, the businesses we shop at, and the neighbourhoods we call home. The MDP was updated in 2020 to ensure that planning and development aligns with our unique local and regional priorities, and accurately captures our community’s vision. Leduc is a city with a plan for the future, and the MDP ensures our growth is sustainable, while preserving the natural environment and supporting an economically prosperous city.

MDP amendments are currently in-progress following recent changes made to the Airport Vicinity Protection Area (AVPA). Learn more about the MDP updates

Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan 

The Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan (UCRP)is a two-year project to provide a land use framework for revitalizing and redeveloping Leduc’s central neighbourhoods. This area is referred to as the Urban Centre and is comprised of the Alexandra Park Neighbourbood, the Central Business District, and Telford House. Proposed to be completed in early 2025, the UCRP will provide direction on future land uses in Urban Centre including housing types, phasing of redevelopment, urban design, and overall character. The UCRP project includes three phases of engagement; the first phase (Visioning) was completed between March and July 2023, the second phase (Planning) is in progress now, with the third phase (Confirming) planned for end of 2024. Read thas feedback and information received during public engagement is phase one and two: Visioning Phase What We Heard Report and Planning Phase What We Heard Report.

For more information, check out the UCRP project website, UCRP study area map, and sign up for project updates and future engagement opportunities. The following plans and studies were previously completed for Leduc’s Downtown area and will be considered during development of the UCRP:

Downtown Master Plan

The Downtown Master Plan (DMP) is a comprehensive long range plan for revitalizing Downtown Leduc. It addresses key economic, environmental, and social issues for a comprehensive approach for revitalizing our city’s Downtown over time. Since approval in 2012, the city has been leading and collaborating on a number of Downtown Master Plan implementation projects.

Downtown Parking Study

In 2019, the University of Alberta’s School of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate students completed a parking study for downtown Leduc, which is one of twelve priority action items identified within Leduc’s Downtown Master Plan. The intent of this study was to understand the role that parking supply and management practices in downtown Leduc had in achieving the vision for downtown Leduc. As a result, the City has implemented reduced and waived parking requirements for non-residential uses within the Downtown based on findings of the Downtown Parking Study

Neighbourhood Design

Neighbourhoods are designed with the right mix of housing, good transportation networks, quality park space, easy access to stores and services to meet daily needs. Learn more about Leduc's Neighbourhood Design.