The City's Report Card

The City of Leduc reports back to residents in a variety of ways on programs and services provided to the community, as well as resident feedback on that work. This information is compiled and shared through the annual report, State of the City Address and the periodic citizen satisfaction surveys. 

Citizen Satisfaction Survey 

The City's 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey measured public opinion/perception of City services, communication and overall value for money. Feedback from the survey will be used to guide future planning and service delivery to the community. Learn more. 

State of the City Address 

The State of the City Address is a summary of recent civic programs and services, as well as a preview of what is in store for the future. It is delivered annually at the Chamber's State of the City event. Mayor Young delivered the 2024 State of the City address on May 29, 2024. Read it here. 

Annual Report 

Prepared after the close of each year, the annual report delivers concise, data-driven information and is the primary conduit for citizens and stakeholders to monitor progress. The 2023 Annual Report contains achievements for each focus area in the City of Leduc’s strategic plan along with select, relevant statistics and a financial overview of revenues and expenses.