Community reporting is now available at Leduc residents' fingertips
Reporting community concerns is now just a click away for Leduc residents with the City's launch of a partnership with the SeeClickFix app.
The app allows residents to quickly and easily submit a report directly to Public Services staff when they see a problem in the community such as:
- potholes,
- broken playground equipment,
- vandalism, or
- downed or damaged traffic signals.
When an issue is reported through the app, residents can opt to also submit a photo of the problem and can choose to be notified of progress as City staff respond to and fix the issue. All reports that are submitted are directed straight to Public Services staff for an efficient and expedited follow-up.
The app is available on Apple and Android devices through a free download. A digital form to submit concerns to Public Services is also available on the City's 'Report It' page, and residents are still encouraged to use this page to submit issues other than city maintenance concerns (e.g. illegally parked vehicles, Community Standards Bylaw complaints, missed garbage pickup).