Snow Removal Progress Updates

Sign up for email notifications of when parking bans are declared and for snow removal updates.  

City streets are divided into two categories for snow removal: collector and residential. Each of the categories are impacted by parking bans throughout the season. Please review the priority map to understand which road category applies to you. 

See where crews are in the city: 

Please note: the status of the snow removal tracking tables is weather-dependent and subject to change at any time. During extreme cold weather events, low temperatures impact the effectiveness of our snow removal equipment. 

Snow removal is planned around residential waste/organics pickup so no conflict occurs with garbage trucks. See the FAQ list for more information about snow removal. 


Collector Street Snow Removal Updates

Collector streets are the City’s third priority and fall under a seasonal parking ban. Permanent signs have been installed to identify these streets. 

The subdivisions will normally be done in the order listed below. The order will be reversed on the next occurrence, with the last subdivision completed first. This order is subject to change. If you have any issues, please notify us through the SeeClickFix.  

Green - Completed
Orange - Underway / beginning soon (approximate; subject to change)
Yellow - Pending

South Park Drive Feb. 21
42 Street (South Park) Feb. 21
42 Street (Caledonia) Feb. 19
Caledonia Drive Feb. 19
Meadowview Way Feb. 19
Meadowview Drive Feb. 19
Southfork Drive Feb. 25
Corinthia Drive Feb. 26
Athapaskan Drive Feb. 26
Bella Coola Drive Feb. 26
52 Street  (43 Avenue - 50 Avenue) Feb. 21
52 Street  (50 Avenue - 57 Avenue) Feb. 20
57 Avenue (52 Street - 50 Street) Feb. 20
51 Street (43 Avenue - 49 Avenue) Feb. 21
46 Avenue (46 Street - 44 Street) Feb. 21
Alton Drive Feb. 18
Windrose Drive / Workun Drive Feb. 18
Suntree Promenade Feb. 24
Alexander Drive Feb. 18
William Bell Drive Feb. 18
Bridgeport Boulevard Feb. 27
Bridgeport Crossing Feb. 27
Ameena Drive/ Awentia Drive  Feb. 27
Deer Valley Drive Feb. 27
Hawthorne Way / Boreal Drive Feb. 20
West Haven Drive / West Haven Boulevard Feb. 24
Robinson Drive Feb. 19
Blackstone Boulevard / Blackstone Link Feb. 20
Spruce Boulevard / Sheridan Way Feb. 24
Southfork Boulevard Feb. 25
Sheppard Boulevard Feb. 25
Southfork Road Feb. 25
Creekside Drive Feb. 27


Residential Snow Removal Updates

Residential streets are the City’s fourth priority and fall under a residential snow removal parking ban. Signs (with dates) will be posted at neighbourhood entrances with 48 hours' notice for when you will need to move vehicle.  

Residential snow removal will be scheduled to accommodate two removals per season or as snowfall dictates. The subdivisions will normally be done in the order listed below. The order will be reversed on the next occurrence, with the last subdivision completed first. This order is subject to change. If you have any issues, please notify us through the SeeClickFix.  

Green - Completed
Orange - Underway / beginning soon (approximate; subject to change)
Yellow - Pending

Note on Jan. 21: With the snowfall, residential snow removal will be paused on this day so crews can focus on clearing snow from the main roads in the city.  

NEIGHBOURHOOD STATUS - Residential Removal 
Willow Park Jan. 22 & 23
Linsford Park Jan. 22
Bridgeport Jan. 23 & 24
Deer Valley Jan. 27
Woodbend Jan. 27
Leduc Estates Jan. 29, 30 & 31
Lakeside Estates Jan. 31 & Feb. 3
Windrose Feb. 4 & 5
Suntree Feb. 5, 6 & 7
West Haven Jan. 28 & 29
Corinthia Park Jan. 13 & 14
Southfork Jan. 9 & 10
Caledonia Park Jan. 8
Tribute Jan. 8 & 10
Meadowview Jan. 14 & 15
South Park Jan. 16 & 17
North Telford Jan. 20
South Telford Jan. 20
Hospital District Jan. 20
Blackstone Jan. 30
Robinson Jan. 15 & 16