Downtown Master Plan
The City of Leduc 2012 Downtown Master Plan (DMP) is a comprehensive long range plan for revitalizing Downtown Leduc. It addresses key economic, environmental, and social issues for a comprehensive approach for revitalizing our city’s Downtown over time. The DMP contains an in depth urban design plan, design guidelines, as well as policies and implementation projects to support a vibrant and sustainable downtown area.
Drafting the Downtown Master Plan has involved collaboration with numerous downtown stakeholders and a high level of support from the Leduc Downtown Business Association (DBA). To help inform the DMP’s policies and objectives, numerous stakeholder discussions and events have been held to capture and support our community's vision for downtown Leduc.
Implementing the Downtown Master Plan
Since approval of the plan in 2012, the city has been leading and collaborating on a number of Downtown Master Plan implementation projects:
>> Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project | >> Downtown Heritage Inventory |
>> Main Street Outdoor Patio Incentive Program | >> Downtown Farmers' Market Initiative |
>> Downtown Storefront Improvement Program | >> Land Use Bylaw Updates |