Be prepared for snow removal season
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
With temperatures dropping, the first snowfall is upon us. Be prepared for snow removal in your neighborhood this winter season.
Your efforts make a difference in helping our snow removal crews. Support them by:
- Knowing where to move your vehicle: temporary parking bans are coming this winter season. Find out how a seasonal parking ban or residential snow removal parking ban can affect you and plan a spot where you can move your vehicle to when the ban goes into effect. Parked vehicles obstructing snow removal equipment will be towed and fined $250 for towing expenses.
- Remove items off the road: curb mats, basketball nets, and any items along the curb that can potentially be in the path of the snow removal equipment.
- Keep fire hydrants clear: seconds matter during an emergency, help fire crews get quick access to fire hydrants by keeping them clear of snow
- Keep sidewalks clear: clear sidewalks provide safe passage for your neighbours and don’t shovel sidewalk snow onto the roads. Free sand and chips bins are located throughout the city for you to use. Note: if you have new concrete poured on your property, salt melt cause pitting on the concrete.
Residents can subscribe to the snow removal email list to receive notifications about the parking bans and general snow removal information this season.
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