Cape Holiday Christmas Wraps Production
Cape Holiday Christmas wrapped up shooting on March 22 after a quick two-week production schedule that saw them visit local shops and restaurants, homes, Telford Lake and Telford House, as well as Mayor Young’s office at the Civic Centre.
We heard from many residents about their positive interactions and saw plenty of excited social media posts as locations, such as Habaneros which turned into Christmas setting. The Civic Centre also was beautifully decorated and set-up Christmas trees in a bit of “Hollywood Magic”.
“We noticed our Facebook and Instagram interactions were about eight to 10 times higher than normal last week. We got many calls and comments from customers regarding the production. Our posts got shared around by the City, Discover Leduc, and the Downtown Business Association, and that earned us more exposure, too.” - Habaneros
The City of Leduc team worked with production, and rather than having the production pay a rental fee to the City of Leduc when there was no disruption to public access, they are instead donating to the Alberta Legacy Development Society, which is a not-for-profit organization near and dear to former Councilor Terry Atkinson who passed away recently.
Councilor Atkinson was an advocate to the City of Leduc’s Art, Culture & Heritage sector for decades, and with his recent passing, the city felt this was a fitting donation.
Similar to the City, ATB will also be donating the fees associated with using their space during the production of the film.
The City of Leduc was extremely happy to welcome the production team and cast to Leduc, and hopefully this opens the door for other productions to look at Leduc as a viable filming location. Stay tuned to our digital channels later in the fall to hear how you can watch this film.
The City would also like to thank its residents for their cooperation and friendly welcome during the past few weeks.