City of Leduc and Leduc County co-purchase roadpatcher
The City of Leduc and Leduc County have enhanced resources for regional road maintenance by jointly purchasing a self-propelled roadpatcher. The new roadpatcher is an advancement in asphalt repair technology that both municipalities will use to fix potholes, cracking and other road surface damages.
“We are always looking for opportunities to support the Leduc region in a way that benefits both the city and county while being fiscally responsible,” says City of Leduc Mayor Bob Young. “Through collaboration we are able to bring new technology like the roadpatcher to the region, which strengthens service levels to the benefit of all rate payers.”
The city and county have partnered on a number of shared-investment for shared-benefit initiatives in the past; however, the roadpatcher marks the first joint purchase of road maintenance equipment. Both municipalities will share in the ongoing operation and maintenance costs.
“We need to have accessible, safe roads 365 days a year. Leduc County is pleased to work with our partners at the City of Leduc in creating a well kept roadway system in the region that will benefit our residents,” says Leduc County Mayor Tanni Doblanko.
The roadpatcher uses a specialized process called spray patching, which combines hot asphalt and crushed aggregate using forced air. The process is more efficient and safer than typical repair methods as it requires only one operator compared to a crew of two or more individuals physically completing repairs. It has a higher production rate, and repairs last the same or longer than other commonly used methods.
The city and the county are responsible for maintaining 232 km and 320 km of paved roadway, respectively. The machine will operate on a 10-day cycle between the city and county.
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Lauren Wozny, Communications Officer
City of Leduc
Katherine Degaust
Communications Co-ordinator, Leduc County