Installation update on solar carport and electric vehicle charging stations
Thursday, January 20, 2022
In June 2021, Leduc City Council approved electric vehicle charging stations and a solar carport to be installed at the corner of 49th Street and 49th Avenue, subject to grant approval. The site will feature a solar carport, one Level 2 charger, and one Level 3 charger. Each charger will be able to charge two electric vehicles at a time.
January 2022 project updates:
- Solar carport installation is in progress and anticipated to be complete this week.
- The contractor will coordinate with Fortis to complete the electrical attachment of the carport to the grid (timeline TBD).
- Once attached, all power generated will be sold back to the grid until the electric vehicle charging stations are installed (at which time any excess power not used by the charging stations will still be sold back to the grid).
- The electric vehicle charging stations will be installed later this year, pending grant approval. More details will be provided when available.