Preserving historic characteristics of Leduc a priority for the Urban Centre

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Preserving the historical charm of Leduc’s Main Street, welcoming new and diverse businesses, and events/gathering spaces is what residents are looking for in the community’s urban centre. 

These key priorities were shared by residents during a second round of public engagement, completed in March 2024, on the Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan (UCRP).  

People value the historical charm and small-town feel found in our Urban Centre,” says Teaka Broughm, City of Leduc Director of Planning and Economic Development. “There’s a strong sense of the potential for our urban centre to grow and be more vibrant by welcoming new residents and diverse services. Residents feel the Plan needs to celebrate both our heritage and our future.” 

More information from public input: 

  • Residents want to keep the historical charm of Main Street is balanced against supporting flexibility in redevelopment by ensuring new development fits within the context of the area through innovative design. 
  • Residents want diverse businesses, including entertainment hubs, that can liven up the area, and arts and recreation uses that foster social connections.  
  • Residents want events and gathering spaces (formal and informal spaces), including temporary street closures for events. 

Resident input will help guide the revitalization and redevelopment of the Urban Centre as envisioned by the City’s Municipal Development Plan. As phase two wraps up, phase three will see a final draft version of the plan presented to Council for adoption by end of the year. 

Learn more about the UCRP project and read the What We Heard Report.