65 Avenue - Planning and Design

Map of 65 avenue project location

Functional Planning Study

In 2016, the City of Leduc, EIA, and Alberta Transportation completed a cost-shared functional planning study to identify the requirements for the interchange. The study reviewed existing traffic conditions, traffic operations and previous studies, and short and long-term strategies to satisfy various requirements.  

Detailed Design

In 2017, Alberta Transportation announced joint funding with the City of Leduc and EIA for the detailed design work of the project. This included construction specifics such as infrastructure placement, scoping of land acquisitions, pre-tender estimating, and design of bridge structure, abutments, on and off ramps and connector roadway linkages. A PDF of the design is available.

Regulatory Process

The project is subject to different regulations with oversight and approvals provided by:  

Environmental Work

The project area is surrounded by previously disturbed lands including the EIA, the QEII and secondary roads, agriculture, and commercial uses.  

Environmental studies were conducted to confirm the Valued Ecosystem Components in the project area. Rare plants, vegetation, soils, surface water (creeks, wetlands), wildlife habitat and the potential for contamination were studied and reported to: 

  • identify environmental sensitivities 
  • identify potential impacts 
  • assess biophysical impacts 
  • identify areas of potential environmental concern and associated contaminants of concern 
  • assess potential soil contamination 

The information was incorporated into the project planning and design to minimize impacts on the environment through avoidance, mitigation measures, and the implementation of best management practices during construction.