Candy Cane Checkstop – a holiday driving reminder
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
On Friday night, the City partnered with Victim Services, MADD, and the Leduc RCMP to run the Candy Cane Checkstop to remind motorists to drive safely this holiday season.
Whether you're headed to a holiday party or out and about like usual, please keep the following driving tips in mind to help make sure you - and everyone else on the road - make it home safe.
- Be alert and responsive when behind the wheel
- Refrain from any activities that impair your judgement or ability to drive
- Plan a safe ride home; use public transit, a taxi, or a designated driver
- Clear snow and ice from your windshield and lights for better visibility
- Pay attention to road conditions and safety warnings to keep an emergency kit in your trunk
- If the weather is bad, consider revising your plans so you won't have to travel on icy or snowy roads
Happy Holidays, Leduc - stay safe!