Leduc reveals draft Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The City’s draft Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan (UCRP) aims to revitalize the Urban Centre, which includes the Central Business District, Alexandra Park neighbourhood, and Telford House area. 

The UCRP, recently presented to Leduc City Council, promotes mixed-use development, walkability, and cohesive neighbourhood design while maintaining flexibility for future growth. The plan outlines three priority levels for action: 

  • Tier 1: Streetscape upgrades, active transportation improvements, zoning bylaw updates, and downtown events.  
  • Tier 2: Parkland and plaza acquisition, heritage designation, and wayfinding.  
  • Tier 3: More trees, multifunctional heritage hubs, and arts programming. 

“The vision for Leduc’s Urban Centre is that it becomes an accessible, safe, and inclusive area with diverse housing, business opportunities, high-quality urban design, and multi-modal transportation connections,” says Teaka Broughm, City of Leduc Director of Planning and Economic Development. “The plan will guide how redevelopment meets this vision through efficient land use, housing diversity, investment into public spaces and connectivity.” 

Community feedback helped shape the plan through engagement sessions held during each phase of the project. The first phase was focused on understanding, visioning, and gathering initial public input through engagement sessions. Feedback collected during the second phase informed the Plan’s vision, goals, objectives, major themes, and guiding principles. 

The Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan is nearing completion after two years of development. As a statutory land-use plan, the UCRP will go through its first reading, followed by a public hearing before final approval in spring 2025. 

Learn more about the Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan.