Notice of public hearing on March 24
The City of Leduc is divided into land use districts to manage the location of development and ensure good planning for the municipality. Each district, under the Land Use Bylaw, has permitted and discretionary uses as well as development regulations for those uses. To change a land use district from what is existing under the Land Use Bylaw, the proposed amendment must be published to allow citizens an opportunity to clarify what is proposed, ask questions, or present objections at a required public hearing. Council will consider all comments before voting on whether to approve the amendment.
Bylaw No. 1207-2025
Bylaw No. 1207-2025 will amend Bylaw No. 809-2013, Section 27.0 – Land Use Map, by redistricting part of the SW ¼ Section 24-49-25-W4 from UR – Urban Reserve to RCD – Residential Compact Development and US – Urban Services. The redistricting will allow for continued residential development in part of the Meadowview neighbourhood as Meadowview Stage 21.
Bylaw No. 1207-2025 proposes to redistrict an area of land in Meadowview to allow for seventy-five (75) additional residential lots under the RCD – Residential Compact Development land use district, including:
- Forty-two (42) standard single detached;
- Fifteen (15) zero lot line single detached; and
- Eighteen (18) duplex.
All of these lots will be developed with front driveways.
The stage also includes redistricting of the last length of noise attenuation berm along CP Rail to US – Urban Services. This berm and fence were constructed previously as part of a past construction stage, ensuring continuous noise mitigation measures for existing homes in the area.
A copy of the proposed bylaws that will be presented to City Council may be inspected by the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Leduc Civic Centre, 1 Alexandra Park, 46th Avenue and 48A Street, Leduc, Alberta. A copy of the proposed bylaws may also be viewed on the City’s website ( Inquiries can be made by contacting the Planning & Economic Development department (; 780-980-7124).
Public Hearing – March 24, 2025
Leduc City Council will hold a public hearing on this proposed bylaw on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, in the Council Chambers at the Leduc Civic Centre, #1 Alexandra Park (46th Avenue and 48A Street), Leduc, Alberta. Anyone interested may be heard by Council prior to the proposed bylaw being considered for second reading.
Presentations/submissions: Anyone who wishes to speak to Council at the time of the public hearing or provide a written submission is asked to contact the City Clerk’s Office (780-980-7156 or