Construction FAQs
What is a road reconstruction?
The road is excavated down to the base (gravel) or sub-grade (clay) layer depending on its condition. The sub-grade is re-stabilized, and the base and surface are replaced. All curbs and gutters are also replaced; utility lines may also be moved. Estimated addition of 30+ years of life to the road.
What is a road overlay?
The aging asphalt surface of the road is removed and replaced to improve road structure and mitigate the requirement for more extensive reconstruction in the near future. Estimated addition of 10+ years of life to the road. An overlay is a preventative measure that mitigates the need for a full reconstruction in the near future.
What is full-depth reclamation and asphalt foaming?
Full-depth reclamation is different from a reconstruction in that it does not require the removal of the road’s base materials. The asphalt surface is pulverized and mixed with the existing base, and then a new layer of asphalt is laid. This process is significantly faster than full reconstruction.
Some of these roads don’t look like they need repairs—why is this happening now?
Sometimes, it can look like there is minimal damage on the surface, but the layers below require more extensive work. As roads age, and the weight of traffic wears on them, the layers begin to degrade. Completing construction now proactively addresses the repairs before there are larger, costlier safety issues, and extends the overall lifespan of the road.
How will construction affect my commute?
Every effort will be made to limit traffic disruption. Some projects may affect access to residential homes and parking. In these cases, construction will be done in smaller sections to minimize the distance away that residents may need to park and the duration of time any individual home is affected. These residents will be contacted directly by the contractor ahead of time. Any road closures will also be communicated a head of time, and all efforts will be made to restore traffic access as quickly as possible. We encourage residents to keep in the know of where construction is happening by using this interactive online map.
How can I report a construction issue?
Residents can use the Report a Construction Concern online tool to report non-emergent construction issues, such as messy sites, dust or debris, property damage, landscaping or noise. Alternatively, you may contact Engineering at 780-980-7107 or If there is a health emergency, 911 should be contacted.
Why doesn’t construction work always resume immediately when the sun comes out after a rainfall?
Even on days when it isn’t raining, conditions may not be suitable for construction. After a rain event, the base of the road can become saturated and unsuitable for construction until it dries out. For every day of rain, there are sometimes several days of waiting for the site to dry out before work can continue. When this happens, the contractor makes every effort to continue work in other areas on-site where possible.
When is construction season expected to end?
Construction season typically extends into the fall. The estimated timelines for specific projects can be found on each project page on
Why does it look like work has started in one area, and then abandoned for a period of time?
Sometimes, weather can impact progress, especially in areas where the road has been removed and the base is exposed to the elements. It is also common in construction to encounter unidentified third-party utilities in a different place than expected. Sometimes this can be addressed with a last-minute design change; other times construction has to wait for the utility to relocate their services. If this occurs and crews must be demobilized from the site for an extended period of time, the information will be posted online for residents' awareness. The contractor also coordinates to ensure there is enough work ready in a particular phase before bringing in a subcontractor, crews or equipment—bringing these in multiple times can be costly, so the contractor waits for sufficient area to complete to ensure the city receives the best value for the project.
Why does it sometimes look like crews are tearing out previously completed roadwork?
Sometimes, work can be deemed deficient (by the City, by the contractors or by the consultants). Deficient work identified within two years of construction is the contractor’s responsibility to remove and replace at their cost. Other times, work might be installed temporarily to make the road accessible to vehicles during construction.
Where can I find details and progress updates on specific construction projects?
We encourage residents to check out the online interactive construction map to find the projects they’re looking to learn more about. Through there, residents will find project details, including funding, timelines, and regular progress updates.
Why should I not use ice melt on new concrete?
New concrete (less than a year) is like a sponge to any external factors, and when ice melt seeps inside, it cannot withstand the freeze-thaw cycle caused by the reaction of ice melt and ice. A result of ice melt on new concrete is popouts (tiny pores), which is caused when the concrete swells and causes fragments to break away from the surface due to pressure.
Use sand to control ice on new concrete for the first year. Find the closest free sand and chips bins to you.