Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared for an emergency or disaster sets you, your family or business up to respond and recover from a life-changing event. Are you ready for the next 72 hours if a disaster strikes? The following list of resources can help you prepare to protect your family, friends and community during an emergency. Learn about the risks or hazards in your life, plans to make, and get your emergency kit ready to go.

Emergency Alerts

When lives are in immediate or imminent danger, the City of Leduc will use the Alberta Emergency Alert (AEA) notification system to inform the public of the threat and action required. For example, if a significant wildfire that requires evacuation occurs or if the water supply were to become contaminated. Operated by the Government of Alberta, AEA features an app that can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store. Residents are encouraged to download the app and sign-up for emergency alerts

Subsequent updates - or information on less urgent events - will be provided as the situation evolves on the City of Leduc's websitee-news platform, and Facebook channels. 

Emergency Preparedness Guides and Resources

We all have a role to play in being prepared for an emergency and it's important to prepare when the risk is low, so you’re ready to respond when the risk is high. To help get your household and business ready, please review the following guides and resources:

Emergency Social Services

Emergency Social Services (ESS) is an emergency response program provided by Leduc Family and Community Support Services (FCSS). We partner with local, regional, provincial and federal authorities, support organizations, and community volunteers. For additional information about Emergency Social Services, please call 780-980-7109.

We provide services to those affected by large, complex disasters or emergencies, so that they can start getting their lives back. In some cases, ESS may be provide for smaller emergencies such as a single house fire. Primary services include food, clothing, lodging and family reunification.

To be prepared for an evacuation, residents can set themselves up online through the MyAlberta Emergency Registration System (MAERS) or call the Government of Alberta call centre (310-4455) to register over the phone. The information collected through the online registration system is to support Alberta families who have had to leave their homes during an emergency evacuation and help them to quickly get access to government services. The MAERS helps government and local municipalities monitor the number of families registered and assess emergency social service needs to support recovery efforts. 

Learn more ways on how to prepare yourself for an emergency, through our resources on Emergency Preparedness.