Fire Safety

NOTE: Fire hazard, product recall information.

Fire prevention and safety is important in reducing the risk and number of fires in the City of Leduc and surrounding region. Fire Prevention Officers work together with the community to support everyone in understanding how to be fire safe.

Public education

Leduc Fire Services is proactive in fire safety and prevention public education. Your knowledge can save lives and prevent injuries.

Fire Services runs public education programs throughout the year for schools, seniors, community groups and clubs, and more. You can submit requests online for a safety visit and presentations about topics like fire safety, injury prevention, emergency preparedness, evacuation planning, and emergency medical services.

Fire Safety Plans


Ensuring every building in the City of Leduc complies with the National Fire Code – Alberta Edition, Fire Prevention Officers carry out inspections of commercial and residential properties (by request), along with special events.

Before any proposed developments are built or new businesses open, fire safety plans are to be submitted for review and approval through your permit application process. Plans ensure you are prepared for fire or emergency.

Fire Prevention Officers, with proper documentation, may issue:

Additional Resources:

For businesses and / or contractors:

Adjacent Property Protection Standards

For events:

To book an inspection or inquiries, call our Fire Prevention Officers at 780-980-8475

Fire Investigations

Fire investigators try to determine the origin and cause of a fire. This helps industry to determine if a recall is required, a public safety announcement needs to be issued, or a targeted public education campaign needs to be developed.

A fire can be a life-changing event. If you require assistance, our Emergency Social Services can set you up with resources and help to get you and your family through this difficult time. Use the First 24 Hours After a Fire Loss to help guide you through the recovery process.