Snow and Ice Control FAQs
We understand you may have questions about the City's snow removal program. Please review the FAQs below. If your question is not answered, please call 780-980-7133 during business hours.
Streets and Lanes
How do city crews respond when it starts snowing?
As road conditions become slippery, sanding is applied to hazardous locations such as intersections, curves, railway crossings and school/pedestrian crosswalks. Snow plowing will commence on major roadways after an accumulation of 2 - 5 cm.
How does the city decide which roads to maintain and in what order?
Roadway priority is listed in the City's Snow and Ice Control Policy, as follows:
Snow plow priority:
- Priority 1: Arterial Roads (2 - 5 cm compacted snow)
- Priority 2: Secondary Roads (5 - 10 cm compacted snow)
Snow removal priority:
- Priority 1: Downtown Commercial Area (5 cm compacted snow)
- Priority 2: Downtown Core (7 - 10 cm compacted snow)
- Priority 3: Collectors (7 - 10 cm compacted snow)
- Priority 4: Residential (15 cm compacted snow) - signs placed in neighbourhoods
When will the snow in my neighbourhood be removed?
Residential neighbourhoods will have their snow removed after an accumulation of 15 cm of compacted snow or when access by emergency vehicles is severely impaired. We'll let you know when snow is being cleared from residential streets by placing signs ahead of time in your neighbourhood.
How does the City decide which neighbourhoods to plow first?
Locations and their order are listed in the City's Snow and Ice Control Policy, with the order being reversed on the next occurence of snow removal. However, when a cycle is not completed because of additional snowfall and the City returns to the main roads, residential snow removal will be started where the crews left off.
What do the signs placed in the neighbourhood mean?
When clearing snow from Level 4 Removal Priority areas, the City will place signs in your neighbourhood. These signs mean snow removal equipment will be working there for the next few days. Please be mindful of where you park during this time and try to avoid parking on the street. This will help crews to stay on schedule and clear as much snow as possible.
Will the snow removal process remove all the snow from the road?
Normal snow removal equipment will blade the snow to a level snow pack but not necessarily clear residential roads to bare pavement. The objective of the snow removal process is to make the roads drivable and reduce the amount of surface flooding during the spring melt.
Will back alleys be cleared?
Back alleys are the same priority as residential streets and are not plowed until all the higher priority roads are completed.
What happens when a car is parked on the street and snow removal equipment come into the area?
When snow removal is scheduled for your neighbourhood, please be sure to move your vehicle off the street. There will be signs in your neighbourhood in advance of and during the snow removal process. If a car is not moved it will be tagged and towed to a cleared collector road. The vehicle owners will be fined $250 to cover the towing expense.
What is a windrow?
A windrow is a pile of snow on the side or middle of the road created by snow clearing equipment. Do not attempt to drive through a windrow as you may get stuck or damage your vehicle. Leduc is one of the few communities that still removes windrows. Our windrow clearing program helps seniors and people with physical disabilities or medical conditions who are unable to clear the windrow on their own.
Where does all the snow go?
Snow that gets removed from the roads is trucked into the City's one permanent or two temporary snow storage sites.
What can I do to help?
The cooperation and support of Leduc residents is essential to keeping our streets clear and safe throughout winter. Some things you can do to help include:
- Move your cars off the street
- Do not shovel any snow from your property onto the roadway
- Remove any rubber driveway/curb pads or other materials along your curb
- Give snow removal and sanding equipment enough room to do their job safely
Pedestrian, Multiway and Outdoor Ice Surfaces
Does the City clear snow on asphalt multiways and sidewalks?
The City removes snow on multiway and sidewalk corridors that pedestrians use to access business areas, service providers, and recreation and education facilities.
How often are the walkways cleared?
Sidewalks and multiways will be cleared to a 'snow-free' surface after 2 cm of snow.
Are the walkways sanded?
Sidewalks and multiways are not normally sanded unless they become hazardous due to freezing rain or other such weather conditions.
When are the City's outdoor ice surfaces cleared of snow?
Outdoor ice surfaces will be cleared once all sidewalk and multiways have been completed.
Parking Bans
Why is the City implementing a seasonal parking ban?
A seasonal parking ban is being introduced to improve the effectiveness of our snow removal operations, reduce vehicle damage from snow removal equipment, and reduce call backs to return for missed snow.
When is a parking ban no longer in effect?
The ban is lifted once the road has been cleared and the windrow has been removed. You may resume parking on a cleared road.
How long does it take to clear the roads when a parking ban is in effect?
Snow removal is dependent on the amount of snow accumulated and size of the area. During a collector road snow removal, roads are completed in one to two weeks. A single neighbourhood, during a residential road snow removal, is typically completed in one to three days.
How do I stay informed about when a parking ban is declared?
Subscribe to the email list to be alerted about parking bans or follow the City’s social channels.
I operate a business out of my house, where can my clients park?
Please ask clients to be prepared to park within your driveway or on a street not affected by the ban.
Tag and Tow
How much is the fine?
The fine is $250, which includes towing expenses.
How will the City be utilizing fine proceeds from this new service?
Fines collected will be used to offset the cost of towing.
What happens if someone forgets to move their vehicle?
Enforcement Services will attempt to contact the registered owner first before the vehicle is tagged and towed.
How can someone report a parked vehicle?
A vehicle parked on a roadway subject to a parking ban can be reported to Enforcement Services at 780-980-1537.
If someone’s vehicle is towed, who do they contact?
If a vehicle is towed, it will be moved to a nearby cleared collector road. If the vehicle remains on the road afterwards for more than 72 hours, it will then be taken to a tow yard.