Community Safety Priorities

Community safety is one of the city's top priorities. Residents are encouraged to review the following community safety tips to help create and make our city safe.

Ice Safety

What it looks like may not be what it seems. That is the danger that lies with large frozen bodies of water during the winter season. As temperatures start to warm, it affects the integrity of ice – be it a lake or pond. Take great caution if you are on a frozen surface as a break in the ice can lead to a serious life incident.

Stay off storm water ponds! When we have bursts of warm weather, the ice starts to deteriorate and water levels can fluctuate suddenly with snow melting in the adjacent neighbourhoods. If you see a closed sign at a boarded rink or grass pad, please do not skate on that ice surface to ensure everyone’s safety as the ice begins to melt. Stay safe by going skating on one of the several outdoor rinks within the City of Leduc.

Abandoned Vehicles

What is an abandoned vehicle?

Under section 76 (1) of the Traffic Safety Act, a vehicle is deemed abandoned at that location if it passes 72 consecutive hours without movement. After 72 consecutive hours, the vehicle is considered to be abandoned and may be removed. 

Why is this a priority for LES?

Abandoned vehicles become an issue during a snow removal parking ban as they have to be tagged and towed before crews can begin plowing the area. Both Enforcement Services and Public Services appreciate your help in moving vehicles off the street during snow removal.

 Residents are encouraged to learn more about the city’s parking controls and Traffic Bylaw.


Leduc Enforcement Services receive a variety of parking complaints. These calls include issues such as; parking over the prescribed 72 hour limit as set out in the Traffic Safety Act, parking in disabled stalls, parking in a way that obstructs driveway access and more, and more.

It is important to keep in mind that there are vehicles of all shapes and sizes that are also trying to visit the same places that you are. Be courteous when you are parking in parking lots and street parking. Try not to take up more space than you need and leave adequate distance between your car and others around you. This way everyone can continue to enjoy the variety of businesses and parks in Leduc without the stressful feeling of not being able to find parking.

Unsightly Properties

Be a good neighbour – keep your property maintained according to the Leduc Community Standards Bylaw. Property owners are to keep lawns trimmed at or below 10 cm and remove any debris build-up visible from neighbouring locations. Unsightly properties often display signs of neglect with long grass, weeds, derelict vehicles, debris, and some buildings in a state of disrepair. Some of these signs of neglect can also pose a crime and fire risk to your home and your neighbours. Help keep everyone safe and make Leduc an inviting community to call home with a well-kept property.

Bike Safety

Are you planning to ride your bike and explore the multiway? Keep yourself and other trail users safe:

  • Wear a helmet
  • Be visible with bright, reflective clothing and front/rear bike lights
  • Stay alert, avoid distractions, watch out for other trail users and obstacles, slow down for blind spots
  • Maintain your bike with regular inspections of the bell, brakes, tires, chain, and gears. 
  • Adjust your speed to accommodate for the trail conditions, traffic volume and weather. 
  • Ride predictable and ring your bell! Pass on the left. 

According to Section 83(2) of the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation states that a person operating a motor vehicle, motor cycle, moped, power bicycle or bicycle shall sound the vehicle’s horn or other audible warning device whenever it is reasonably necessary to warn persons on or approaching the highway in the vicinity of the vehicle. 

Pet Owner Ettiqutte in Public Parks

Do you count your pet as a family member? Pet ownership is almost like having kids. Help keep them safe by ensuring that pets are leashed when you leave your property. According to the city’s Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw, proper length of the leash cannot be more than two (2) metres in length. This helps to stop you pet from running too far off into traffic or chasing after other animals. Please also respect your neighbours by picking up after your pet and being a considerate pet owner.

Leduc has three off leash dog parks:
1. Leduc K-9 Off-Leash Dog Park is located north of the Leduc Recreation Centre
2. Barclay Dog Park is located in the Leduc Business Park at 3914 - 77 Ave., east of Highway 2

3. Outlook Park in the Leduc Business Park (east of Highway 2) with access off 33 Street

Public Parks

The grass is green, the sun is out and the birds are chirping – summer is officially in season. Go Leduc, get outdoors and enjoy the numerous amenities including the trails, parks and green spaces available in the city. While out, please respect these spaces by cleaning up after yourself. The Leduc Enforcement Services team also want to remind you to be mindful of those around you if you are vaping or smoking, and follow the public health orders on physical distancing and  gathering. Thank you for helping us to keep these spaces enjoyable for everyone.

Share the Air

The air we breathe is such an important resource, and we all are responsible on how we use it. There are rules in our community that limit the places where people can smoke cigarettes and cannabis.

The City of Leduc Health Bylaw and the Alberta Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act state that smoking cigarettes is prohibited in any public building or workplace, and within 5 metres of any doorway, window, or air intake.

Smoking cannabis is prohibited in any public place, as stated in the City of Leduc Community Standards Bylaw. The Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis Act also outlines that cannabis is not allowed in motor vehicles.

Smoking and second hand tobacco smoke is a health hazard, and is a discomfort for citizens. More than 45,000 people die from smoking each year. Second hand smoke is responsible for the death of 800 people each year.

School Zone Safety

School is back in season happens every September. Please slow down and watch out for children as you enter a school zone. The speed limit is 30km/h in the area every school day from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Motorist entering playground zones can also expect to slow down to 30 km/h everyday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 hour past sunset. School and playground zones are all marked with signage in the City of Leduc.

Recreation Vehicles

Fallen leaves and the brisk morning air are signs that fall is here. October is the month to start preparing for winter, including putting away your recreation vehicles (RV). According to City of Leduc’s Land Use Bylaw, please store your RV either off-site or in an approved location in or on your property, off the front driveway, by Oct. 16 for the winter season. Your motorhomes, travel trailers, campers, boats and other recreations vehicles are welcomed back starting May 1.

Winter Safety

Help keep your neighbours safe this coming winter season by clearing your sidewalks within 48 hours of the most recent snowfall. Clean sidewalks reduce the risk of slips and fall on snow and ice. Residents unable to clear their sidewalks within the 48-hour window set by the Community Standards Bylaw could receive a fine of $100. Become a snow angel in your community and help your neighbours that could use an extra hand in snow removal.

Holiday Safety

The holiday season brings joy to many – please stay safe this winter for you and your loved ones.  If you are heading to a party, plan for a safe way home if you want to indulge in some holiday cheer. Appoint a designated driver or call a cab or another transportation option to get you home. In 2020, the Government of Alberta made changes to the Provincial Administrative Penalties Act where impaired drivers will face swifter and tougher penalties. Penalties handed out roadside to impaired driver can consist of a fine of up to $2,000, Driver’s licence suspensions and vehicle seizure up to 30 days. Repeat offenders could face mandatory education programs and mandatory ignition interlock. If you suspect an impaired driver on the road, please call 911.