Expanding Leduc’s Municipal Boundary FAQs

FAQs About Annexation

What is annexation?

Annexation is the legislated process for a municipality to expand its boundaries in order to accommodate future growth. Properties within an annexation area change from being in one municipality to being in another. Annexation does not change ownership, and owners are not required to develop or sell their property.

Is annexation the same as expropriation?

No. Expropriation is a process for a municipality to take ownership of land when it is needed for public use. Annexation does not change land ownership. Properties within an annexation area change from being in one municipality to being in another.

Is annexation the same as amalgamation?

No. Amalgamation is when two municipalities combine to become one municipality. The affected municipalities still exist after annexation but the boundary of each municipality is different.

Does this mean the City will own the land?

No, the City will not own the land. Properties within an annexation area simply transition from being part of the County to being part of the City.

What is the Land and Property Rights Tribunal and what is its role in an annexation?

The Land and Property Rights Tribunal is an independent board established under the Municipal Government Act. Its members are provincially appointed. Its role in annexation is to:

  • Conduct public hearing(s) relating to the annexation if any objections are received on the proposed annexation, which allows any affected party to appear at the hearing to make submissions; and
  • Prepare a report with its recommendations on the proposed annexation and send it to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for Cabinet to consider in making its decision.

FAQs for Impacted Landowners and City Residents

Why is annexation necessary?

The city needs to expand its boundary, so it has enough land to accommodate the next 50 years of growth. This will enable proper planning of land uses and infrastructure investments as the city grows. Long-term planning is the only cost-effective way to plan for current and future generations.  


The city continues to grow at the high end of historical projections and is currently processing higher than ever development applications. This level of development activity is absorbing land quickly and is a trend that demonstrates the urgent need for the City to plan for future growth.  

Recent AVPA amendments were supposed to create infill opportunity. Is that still the case?

The City is planning for infill and intensification as we grow. Some of the City’s future growth needs can be accommodated within the city’s existing boundary; we will continue to develop lands within our existing boundary first. But there isn't enough vacant and underutilized land in the city to accommodate all the city’s growth needs. More land will be required to accommodate growth even as the City plans for compact and efficient use of land for future growth. 

What specific lands are being considered for annexation?

The City has proposed annexing lands to the south and southeast of the existing municipal boundary as shown on the Intent to Annex Map 2025. The map shows the maximum amount of land being considered for annexation; some of the land might stay in Leduc County in the end. The proposed annexation boundary is not finalized and will be refined through further information gathering over the next three years of the project.

Why is the City proposing the annexation to the south and southeast?

Right now, based on what the City knows about the proposed annexation area, this is the best place for the City to grow in the future without spending an unnecessary amount of money on infrastructure, impacting high quality agricultural land, and has the best chance to accommodate efficient and compact growth patterns.

Technical studies will be conducted in 2025 to verify that extending the City’s growth to the south and southeast makes the most sense and ensures both the City and the County can accommodate future growth.

The proposed annexation area will be refined and depending on what the technical studies show, the final application may include less land than what is currently proposed.

Will this remove productive agricultural land?

The City of Leduc conserves agricultural land and values keeping it for agricultural production until the land is needed for urban development. When development occurs, the City has good land use planning practices and policies to reduce urban sprawl. New development must occur next to already developed lands and meet minimum densities so that it is compact and uses land more efficiently. 

What steps are involved in annexing land?

There are a few potential paths forward; however, the City of Leduc anticipates annexation of the proposed lands will involve the following steps:

  • Submit a written Notice of Intent to Annex
  • Conduct technical studies
  • Undertake negotiations with the County in good faith
  • Engage with landowners and the public
  • Submit annexation application to Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT)
  • Hearings may be held if the application is contested
  • Recommendation made by the Land and Property Rights Tribunal and to the Government of Alberta
  • Decision made by the Government of Alberta

What is the estimated cost of the annexation, and how will it be funded?

The City has budgeted $2.2 million to undertake technical studies, engage with residents and impacted landowners, and work collaboratively with the County. Recognizing the cost and resources involved in an annexation project are significant, this decision was made through careful consideration. The City wants to make sure annexation doesn’t happen again for many decades by annexing the right amount of land. Planning for future growth is our most responsible path forward because the costs of annexing now will reduce future costs that can result from the city running out of land to grow.


How does dissolution of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) affect annexation? 

The dissolution of the EMRB does not impact the annexation process because annexation was never part of the Board’s mandate. The annexation process is guided by the Municipal Government Act, which the City is and will continue to follow. 


Do the City and County need an Inter-Municipal Development Plan (IDP)? 

Because the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) has dissolved, the province has signaled that all former EMRB municipalities will now be required to have an IDP; this will include the City and the County. A timeline has not been indicated. The City and County rescinded their last IDP in 2022 for two reasons: it was outdated and would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to update and members of growth boards were not required to have IDPs.  


Why annex lands before creating an Inter-Municipal Development Plan (IDP)? 

IDPs and annexation are two separate initiatives. The Municipal Government Act outlines IDPs are about land use planning and development, as the name suggests. IDPs must address compatible land uses, transportation systems, environmental, social and economic development matters around shared boundaries.  


Establishing the City’s shared boundary with the County first, through annexation, will benefit the IDP process; it will prevent wasted resources (time and money) studying and planning land uses in a shared boundary area that could change with annexation. It’s prudent to avoid spending time and money on technical studies that would need to be redone immediately after annexation. 


How has the City been collaborative and forthcoming with the County about the proposed annexation? 

The City communicated with the County about initiating annexation, sharing preliminary information, since July 2024. The City expressed a desire to work with the County on collaborative and uncontested process to save public resources and get the best outcome for both municipalities. Efforts were made by the City to arrange a joint council meeting in November but a workable time was not able to be set until the end of January. 


The City and County have more than 30 agreements in place. We believe we can work together to make this annexation process effective, efficient and considerate of both municipality’s needs if both municipalities agreed to participate in good faith. 


Why not move forward using a staged approach to annexation? 

The Government of Alberta does not allow for a staged annexation process in the Municipal Government Act. A staged annexation would essentially be a series of annexations, which would not be responsible land use planning and would cost taxpayers more money in the long run. Annexations require technical studies, public consultation, negotiations and a formal application to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal.  

I live in the City of Leduc. Will annexation impact me?

Making sure the city has room to grow means that the City can continue to provide a high quality of life for existing and new residents. It means the City can continue to provide enough housing, jobs, parks and places to enjoy, and other amenities or services that residents depend on.

How does this align with the City’s Strategic Plan?

This work advances Goal 2 in the City’s 2023–2026 Strategic Plan. Specifically, it supports Action 2.1.3 – to optimize the use of existing municipal infrastructure and plan for future growth.

How does this align with the City’s Municipal Development Plan?

Expanding Leduc’s municipal boundaries aligns with Section 2.1.2 of the City’s Municipal Development Plan, which outlines actions intended to support contiguous and efficient growth. Specifically, the MDP:

  • Requires the City to monitor growth and ensure there is enough land available for development opportunities (;
  • Encourages the city to acquire land supply that can be serviced efficiently and contiguously to support Leduc’s long-term growth (; and,
  • Encourages the strategic investment of new infrastructure that will result in long-term benefits to the community (

How will annexation benefit the local economy and create jobs?

The City’s role is to plan for long-term growth. Part of that means making sure we have enough land for non-residential uses that support great services, jobs, and attract investment to the city. By making sure there is a balance of available residential and non-residential land, the City can secure Leduc’s future prosperity and fiscal sustainability.

What steps are being taken to ensure the process is fair and transparent?

The City is committed to transparency throughout the project while maintaining appropriate information sharing as regulated by Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP).

Impacted landowners and the public will be invited to participate in engagement sessions throughout the project. The City will also maintain an electronic mailing list for important project updates and send notifications by mail as per the Municipal Government Act.

What happens if the annexation is not approved by the province?

If the annexation is not approved, the City may face more growth than the current supply of land can handle. This could result in higher housing costs and a lack of land for businesses, new schools, or places for people to work.

What happens if my land is identified to be annexed?

You will receive a letter from the City with information about the process and how to get involved.

How will landowners in the proposed annexation area be engaged?

The City wants to share information about the annexation process and hear from landowners throughout the process. The annexation will include a comprehensive engagement process. More information on how to get involved will be provided on the City’s website as the project progresses and landowners are encouraged to contact the City with any questions.

How will existing services provided to affected landowners be impacted?

The City and the County will review and learn from landowners about the services being provided by the County in the proposed annexation area and will assess whether these services are consistent with those provided to existing City residents. Once assessed, a decision will be made whether existing County services will be maintained or amended.

If annexation is approved, will landowners in the annexation area be able to continue using their land in the same manner? Will they be forced to develop their land?

Owners within the annexation area will continue to use their land in the same manner as prior to annexation, subject to City bylaws. Annexation doesn’t force landowners to develop their property.

If annexation is approved, will property taxes for land in the expansion areas increase?

The City understands landowners will be especially interested in how annexation will affect their property taxes. There are many strategies established through historical annexation practices that aim to avoid property taxes changing for individuals in the annexation area. The City will look for a solution that best reflects the interest of impacted landowners and existing City residents and businesses. This will be a key focus during the public engagement process. 

What role do City residents play in the annexation process?

Residents will be invited to an open house where they can learn more about the potential annexation and share feedback on the City’s proposal. Details about engagement opportunities will be shared on the City's website and social media. Residents are also encouraged to contact Teaka Broughm, Director of Planning and Economic Development (growthplanning@leduc.ca or 780-980-7124) to ask questions and provide comments.