Expanding Leduc’s Municipal Boundary

Leduc is one of the fastest growing communities in Alberta and has been proactive in planning for its expected long-term growth. The City needs a 50-year land supply to make sound decisions about investments in infrastructure and studies to support future growth.

Based on an evaluation of land supply, completed in 2023, the City of Leduc may have less than 20 years of land supply left. The City may require at least 38 quarter-sections of developable lands currently within the municipal boundaries of Leduc County to accommodate Leduc’s projected growth for the next 50 years.

The City is in the early stages of the annexation process. On Feb. 3, 2025, Leduc City Council approved submission of Notice of Intent to Annex to start the process of adjusting the city’s existing municipal boundary to the south and southeast.

This written notice has been sent to Leduc County, Municipal Affairs, the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) and all local authorities allowed to operate or provide services in the City of Leduc.

Annexation is the legislated process of changing a municipal boundary. When an annexation is approved, land located in a neighbouring municipality is transferred to an adjacent municipality. Properties within an annexation area will change from being part of one municipality to another. Annexation does not change land ownership. It does not mean lands will be developed immediately and it does not force landowners to change how they use their land today.

The planning and land development process can take decades, and the annexation process is undertaken to ensure growth can be accommodated long-term. The annexation process is paid for by the City and is necessary because failing to plan for future growth can make housing, services, and amenities more expensive as the City gets closer to running out of land.

The City of Leduc follows processes set out by the Municipal Government Act and the LPRT.

Anticipated Timeline

Infographic of the anticipated timeline of the Leduc''s Annexation Project

2025 - Technical Studies

The City will complete several technical studies to ensure the annexation application meets the requirements of the Municipal Government Act and principles of annexation set out by the Land and Property Rights Tribunal. Technical studies make sure the City’s application is evidence-based and is in the best interest of the public. The technical studies will gather information to make sure:

  • The City grows in the right direction and there’s enough land supply for future growth needs
  • The benefits and impacts on property owners in the proposed annexation area and citizens of the City are well understood and addressed.
  • After annexation, the City and the County have enough land for the land uses they need to plan for.
  • The proposed annexation area can be serviced by the City in a cost-effective way to provide efficient services and infrastructure.
  • The financial effects of annexation on the City and the County are considered and appropriately addressed in the annexation terms.

2026 – Municipal Negotiations and Public Engagement

The City is committed to working collaboratively and in good faith with Leduc County.

The City values the perspectives of landowners in the affected areas and wants to learn more about what landowners think so the City can reflect their interests in the annexation application. Public engagement activities haven’t started yet, but more information will be available when engagement begins.

If your property is in the proposed annexation area you should receive a letter notifying you of the process dated Feb. 7, 2025.

2027 – Application to LPRT and Government of Alberta

An annexation application will be submitted to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal for review. The Land and Property Rights Tribunal is an independent board established under the Municipal Government Act. If annexation is opposed, the LPRT may hold a hearing and make a recommendation to Municipal Affairs. The Minister of Municipal Affairs will take the annexation application to Cabinet to make a decision.

Proposed Annexation Area - Feb. 4, 2025

Map showing the proposed annexation area as of February 4, 2025

>> Download Proposed Annexation Area map (PDF)


Please review these frequently asked questions about annexation. You may also contact Josh Culling, Senior Planner, Strategic Projects (growthplanning@leduc.ca or 780-980-1573).


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