Public Participation in Council Meetings
Members of Council meet at Council Meetings to discuss policies, bylaws, budget, city planning, and other issues. During these meetings, time may be allocated to let City Council hear public opinions and sentiments in the form of a public hearing before Council votes, public commentary or presentation.
Public participation in Council Meetings is an opportunity for you to provide your views on upcoming Council decisions that may affect you, alert Council and Administration to issues in the community, or to advocate for a concern.
How to participate
Council and Committee Meetings are held three Mondays per month, unless otherwise stated in the schedule, and can be viewed online with our live stream. Meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Leduc Civic Centre (1 Alexandra Park).
You can participate by:
- Providing comments to the City Clerk’s Office by email to or call 780-980-7177.
Registering to either speak in-person or remote during the meeting via the following presentation options:
- Public Hearing: The public is invited to share their opinions about matters affecting them, specific to the public hearing, before Council votes on a decision. Public hearing opportunities are advertised online 14 days in advance of the applicable date and additional notice may be given through mail, newspaper or methods depending on the legislation. Listening to the public helps Council to make more informed decisions on important matters that affect the City. Public Hearings offer members of the public an opportunity to share their views on government business that may affect them and are often required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA).
Public Commentary: Residents are invited to participate in a public commentary. The purpose of public commentary is to allow people an opportunity to come before Council during a council meeting to address Council on a matter pertaining to city business, in an abbreviated and less formal manner than would otherwise be more appropriate for a public presentation. Each person addressing Council during public commentary is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes.
- Formal Presentations: Individuals and groups who wish to make a formal presentation at a council meeting may apply by completing the Presentation Request Form. The City Clerk's Office will contact the individual/group to set the date and time of their presentation. A presentation may not exceed 15 minutes, including time for questions from Council.
Presentations to Leduc City Council can be made by individuals and groups at council meetings. Presentation requests must be submitted by completing the Presentation Request Form.
Rules for how public commentary and formal presentations work are outlined in the Council Procedures Bylaw.
If you have questions on how to participate, please contact the City Clerk's Office by emailing or call 780-980-7177 to speak to someone in that office.