Where did your ambulance call occur?
- select - Leduc Leduc County Beaumont Edmonton Devon Millet Wetaskiwin Other
Was it a Leduc Fire Services ambulance?
- Select - Yes No I don't know / I can't recall
Did EMS personnel introduce themselves?
- Select - Yes No Not applicable
Who was the patient?
- Select - I was the patient A family member was the patient My friend was the patient I was a bystander and called on behalf of a stranger
Did you experience any language barrier between you and EMS?
- Select - Yes No
Did EMS provide you alternate ways to communicate?
- Select - Yes No
Do you feel that you were appropriately included in the information sharing process and provided option for care?
- Select - Yes No I can't recall / I don't know
While in the care of EMS, did you feel they were attentive to your needs?
- Select - Yes No I don't know
Did EMS personnel ask you about the patient's medical history including any medications the patient is currently taking?
- Select - Yes No I can't recall / I don't know
How well do you think the EMS team understood the needs of the patient?
- Select - Extremely well Moderately well Not at all
Did you accompany the patient to the hospital in the ambulance?
- Select - Yes No
During your recent experience with the EMS team, did you notice any safety concerns for the patient, family member, friend or member of the EMS team?
- Select - No Yes
Please rate the courtesy of the EMS team
- Select - Extremely courteous Moderately courteous Not at all courteous
Please rate the professionalism of the EMS team
- Select - Extremely professional Moderately professional Not at all professional
If any members of our staff were especially helpful, please let us know who they are. We would like to show them our appreciation
Do you wish to be contacted about the service you received?
- Select - Yes No
Contact Information
What was your overall satisfaction with your experience?
- Select - Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied