Planning & Development
Notice of public hearing on March 24
Proposed amendment to land use bylaw
Leduc reveals draft Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan
Plan focuses on mixed-use development, public spaces, walkability and cohesive design
City of Leduc Announces Plans to Expand Municipal Boundary
Additional lands required to support growth for next 50 years
Growing Urban Agriculture in Leduc
Preview how the draft Urban Agriculture Plan will improve food economy and security
Building for the future with Leduc’s Housing Strategy
Strategy guides housing priorities for the next five years and beyond
Leduc Housing Strategy proposes six priorities to meet evolving housing needs
First look at the draft strategy
Changes to legislated advertising requirements coming for City of Leduc
New Advertising Bylaw come into effect Feb. 2025
Tell us what urban agriculture can look like in Leduc
Input to help the development of the Urban Agriculture Plan
City explores land sale negotiations for 5404 47 Street
Development proposal addresses affordable and mixed-market housing
Preserving historic characteristics of Leduc a priority for the Urban Centre
Feedback will help guide the Urban Centre Area Redevelopment Plan for phase three