Outdoor Ice Surfaces


When weather and ice conditions permit, the City of Leduc offers a number of outdoor skating surfaces for residents and visitors between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. For ice locations, see the Outdoor Ice Skating Map.

Recreational Skating Ice

  • Telford Skating Oval - Closed
  • Golf Course - Closed
  • Harry Bienert Park - Closed
  • Caledonia Park - Closed
  • Christ the King Skating Oval - Closed

Hockey Ice

  • Mark Hayduk Park (Robinson neighbourhood) - Closed
  • Kinsmen Rink - Closed
  • Lions Rink at Aileen Faller Park - Closed
  • Black Stone Rink - Closed
  • Southfork Rink - Closed

Note: Nets are placed on rinks when temperatures hold below -10 or else they deteriorate the ice surface. Poor ice conditions may occur when when temperatures are above -10. 

Don't skate on storm water ponds

Skating is NOT permitted on storm water ponds.

  • Storm water ponds have fluctuating water levels with potential depths that will not freeze solid
  • There have been incidences of children falling through the ice in areas, even when ice measurements at the facility are at acceptable thicknesses
  • If Enforcement Services witnesses people on the storm water ponds, they will require people to leave or enforce fines

For more information, contact the Parks Department at 780-980-7133.