Back Lanes 2024

The following back lanes will undergo reconstruction, to ensure the continued stability and safety of the lane:  

  • Back lanes in Corinthia neighbourhood surrounding Apache Crescent Lanes west of 50th Street. This work also includes multiway construction on the adjacent berm to the east. 
  • Back lanes in South Telford neighbourhood surrounding 46 Avenue and 43 Street 

Lanes will be excavated down to the base or sub-grade, restabilized, and re-surfaced. Gas lines may be impacted during this work, and the City will work closely with APEX Utilities as needed.  

During reconstruction, access to the back lane will be limited and/or unavailable, and there may be impacts to RV parking and waste collection. Impacted residents are encouraged to make arrangements and move any RVs ahead of construction, and to keep an eye out for specific details and timelines from the contractor as the work begins and progresses.  

Contact: 780-980-7107  /
Timeline: Summer - Fall 2024
Funding: City of Leduc


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Project Update

Date Status
Aug. 15 Depending on weather, landscaping is tentatively scheduled to start next week.
Aug. 8 Asphalt removals have begun in the lane and will continue throughout August. The lane is now closed to vehicle traffic and garbage pick-up will be at the front of the house.
July 25 Concrete driveway tie ins have been completed. The final lift of gravel is tentatively scheduled for early in the week of July 29 with asphalt paving occurring by the end of the week.
July 11 Excavation of the lane continues and is estimated to be completed next week. Following excavation, the new base layer will be placed to allow for the new gravel.
June 27 Pavement removal has begun and is nearly complete.
June 20 Gravel work set to begin for the bike path on the weekend. Once completed, work will shift to the laneway itself with pavement removal beginning early next week. 
June 13 Berm work starting for the installation of the new bike path.
June 6 Lane reconstruction starts with the bike lane on June 8.
May 30 Apex is scheduled to finish the gas line on May 31, the lane will remain closed. Starting the week of June 3, Carmacks will mobilize into the laneway and begin the reconstruction of the lane and the bike path.
May 23 Apex is completing the final service tie ins for the new gas line and should be completed by May 30. Tentatively starting June 3, Carmacks will begin the complete reconstruction of the lane. The lane will continue to remain closed until the reconstruction is complete.
May 17 Apex is continuing their work on replacing the gas line and is estimated to be completed by the end of May. Lane reconstruction will start once the gas line work is done.
May 9 Apex and their contractor Trenchcor Utilties have begun gas line work within the laneway and are progressing.
Apr. 30 Apex and their contractor Trenchcor Utilties are set to begin minor work on May 1, with a full lane closure of the RED area begining on May 6. During the closure, there will be no access to the lane. Please ensure that all vehicles are parked on the front street before construction begins. We encourage you to make arrangements to move any RVs ahead of the start of construction. Starting May 6, waste and recycle collection will be moved to the front street (Apache Crescent) for the duration of the project for both the RED and YELLOW areas.

South Telford

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Project Update

Date Status
Sept. 4 Base and gravel work has started in the south portion of the laneway, while excavation continues on the north half. 
Aug. 15 Excavation of the laneway continues in the south half.
July 25 Apex has completed the gas line replacement in the laneway. Work is set to begin with asphalt removals the week of July 29. The entire laneway will be closed when asphalt removals begin.
July 11 Apex is completing the final work on the gas line and is estimated to complete the gas line work by July 17. The lane will temporarily be reopened for approximately a week until the lane reconstruction can begin. A notice will be hand delivered to residents with an updated schedule.
June 20 Apex has completed the new service installations on the north half of the lane and will be completing the mainline gas line for the north in the coming week. They will begin the new services in the south half of the lane starting next week.
June 13 Apex is continuing on the gas line replacement and has now moved into the south half of the lane way. They will be continuing work within both halves of the lane to complete the gas line installation.
June 6 Apex has begun the gas line replacement and is beginning with service lines on the north half of the lane way.
May 30 Starting Tuesday, June 4, the lane will be closed as Apex will begin the gas line replacement. During the closure the back lane will be closed to the public. Please ensure that all vehicles are parked on the front street before construction begins. We encourage you to make arrangements to move any RVs ahead of the start of construction.
May 17 Apex and their contractor Trenchcor Utilties are set to begin minor work on May 27, with a full lane closure begining on May 30. During the closure there will be no access to the lane. Please ensure that all vehicles are parked on the front street before construction begins. We encourage you to make arrangements to move any RVs ahead of the start of construction. Starting May 30, waste and recycle collection will be moved to the front street for the duration of the project.


Have a question about this project? Please fill out our online contact form.